We help boost brand awareness using advocates to champion your brand in online communities

Get consistently recommended in Facebook groups, subreddits, and community forums


“I have been astonished by the results! In a 30-day period, my brand advocated commented on 27 group posts which generated 67 landing page visits, 9 high-quality leads, and 3 new clients! Our click-through rate was 248%! The average lifetime value of those new clients is $17,000!”

“I have been astonished by the results! In a 30-day period, commented on 27 group posts which generated 67 landing page visits, 9 high-quality leads, and 3 new clients!

Our click-through rate was 248%! The average lifetime value of those new clients is $17,000!”

Every Brand Needs a Carli Advocate!

Some of the brands who trust us...

1 in 3 people use Facebook to ask for recommendations and referrals! I wanted to give small businesses access to these "bottom-of-the-funnel" leads available in Facebook groups everyday without having to spend hours searching for relevant posts. ”


Founder of Carli.ai LLC

Do you have a Community Advocate for your Brand?

1 in 3 people use Facebook to ask for recommendations and referrals! I wanted to give businesses access to these "bottom-of-the-funnel" leads without having to spend hours finding and responding to relevant posts.”


Step 1


Study your website, online reviews, and onboarding questionnaire in order to gain a clear understanding of your products and/or services.

Step 3

Join Online Communities

Research and match your brand with the appropriate online communities and your advocate will join and begin participating and recommending your products.

Step 2

Train Brand Advocate

Recruit, hire and train a dedicated brand advocate. Your advocate will understand how to use social media monitoring tools, participate in online communities, and accurately recommend your brand/resources.

Step 4

Weekly Reporting

Your Client Success Manager who will provide weekly reporting. The reporting will include screenshots of posts and the corresponding responses.

Step 1


We will study your website, online reviews, and onboarding questionnaire in order to gain a clear understanding of your products and/or services.

Step 2

Hire/Train Brand Advocate

We will recruit, hire and train a dedicated brand advocate. Your advocate will understand how to use social media monitoring tools, participate in online communities, and accurately recommend your brand.

instead of hours.

Step 3

Join Online Communities

We will match your brand with the appropriate online communities and your advocate will join and begin participating and recommending your company.

Step 4

Weekly Reporting

You will have a Client Success Manager who will provide weekly reporting. The reporting will include screenshots of posts and the corresponding responses.


Why is it important to have a community advocate for my brand?

The customer buying journey is no longer linear. Your current and prospective customers take to social media and online communities to compare your product(s) with your competitor, to ask for recommendations, and request support and help. Having a community advocate will ensure your brand is recommended and protected.

Which online communities do you monitor?

Our brand ambassadors primarily concentrate on engaging within online communities where our existing and potential customers are active. Common platforms include Reddit, Facebook Groups, Quora, and specialized forums tailored to specific interests or topics, such as Baby Center for parenting or TripAdvisor's travel forums.

How will we track the success of the campaign?

Each response from your brand advocate will reach three distinct personas: the original poster, the community members tracking the discussion, and those who discover the answer via search engines long after it's posted. To evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign, we focus on key performance indicators such as total posts reviewed, quantity of referrals/responses, volume of clicks, and overall click-through rate.

My product is complex, how can we ensure that our Carli Advocate is adequately informed to provide accurate responses?

After carefully reviewing your onboarding questionnaire, conducting a recorded brand onboarding call, examining your website, analyzing your online reviews, and studying your knowledgebase, we equip our ambassadors with a comprehensive question and answer guide tailored to your brand's specific needs. You will receive a report which includes responses made by your advocate each week. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with their responses, we will edit the responses made during the week and correct them on a go-forward basis.

How many referrals can I expect each month?

You probably already know what we are going to say... It depends on your campaign and how often your brand or product type is discussed in communities and forums online. When we are recommending large international brands the number of referrals can be hundreds or even thousands each month. Our goal is to review all mentions and comment on every relevant post in order to protect your brand's reputation, grow your share-of- voice inside each community, and drive traffic to your website.

What does your brand advocate service include?

  • Social media monitoring software that allows us to monitor online communities and Facebook groups

  • Research and discovery of relevant online communities for each brand

  • Creation of question and response documentation based upon onboarding information, website, and online reviews

  • Hire and train a dedicated brand advocate who has experience participating in online communities

  • Dedicated Client Success Manager

  • Ongoing management and supervision of brand advocate

  • Weekly progress reporting and campaign improvements

What does your service cost?

Our service works well for businesses large and small.

The cost of our service is dependent upon:

1) The number of social media platforms we monitor for your brand

2) The number of Facebook groups we monitor for your brand

3) The volume of mentions and responses required each month

4) The number of brand advocates assigned to your brand

During our discovery call we will provide the cost of our services based upon your custom requirements.

Are there long-term contracts?

We ask you commit to a minimum of three months and provide discounts for longer-term commitments.

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